Q: How do I make my language learning easy and effective?
A: Choose a language learning method that is right for you and establish a daily or weekly routine.
It is that simple! If you can commit a certain amount of time every day or every week, you will make steady progress that will take you from beginner to intermediate to advanced speaker without great effort.
Q: How do I find my method?
A: Explore the following options and pick at least three or four tools you will employ to study your target language:
- A grammar book
- Phrase Book
- Dictionary
- Newspapers/Magazines
- Books and Readers
- Audiobooks
- Dual-Language Books
- Flashcards
- Audio Cassettes/CD’s
- Movies/Videos
- Internet Radio
- Online Instructor
- Language Club
- Pen Pal
Q: How do I keep motivated?
When you have made some progress, don’t forget to reward yourself with something that you enjoy:
- Travel
- Meet and chat with a learning buddy
- Enjoy a treat at a special restaurant where the menu is in your target language
- Watch a movie in your target language
- Treat yourself to something special
What kind of reward works for you? Share your experience here!